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Words and Definitions

General Words

  • Pernicious is a word used to describe something that is harmful, damaging, or having a negative influence in a subtle or gradual way. It refers to things that might not seem harmful at first glance, but can actually cause serious problems over time. It's often used to talk about ideas, behaviours, or factors that can have a harmful impact on individuals, societies, or situations without being immediately obvious.


  • Compartmentalisation is a cognitive and psychological strategy where an individual consciously or unconsciously separates different aspects of their thoughts, emotions, or experiences into distinct compartments or categories. This is often done to manage conflicting or contradictory information or feelings that might otherwise cause discomfort or cognitive dissonance. Compartmentalisation can hinder holistic understanding and personal growth, as it can result in ignoring important connections between different aspects of life.
    • Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term that describes the discomfort or tension that arises when a person holds two or more conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or values, or when their actions contradict their beliefs. This internal inconsistency can create a sense of unease and emotional stress.
    • Holistic refers to an approach or perspective that considers something as a whole, rather than focusing on individual parts in isolation. It involves understanding the interconnectedness and interdependence of various components and elements to gain a comprehensive and integrated understanding. A holistic viewpoint takes into account the broader context, relationships, and interactions that contribute to the overall picture. This approach is often used in fields like healthcare, education, and philosophy, where it's believed that considering the entirety of a situation leads to a more accurate and effective understanding or solution.


  • Consumerism refers to a social and economic phenomenon where a strong emphasis is placed on the acquisition and consumption of goods and services, often beyond basic needs. It's a cultural mindset that encourages people to prioritize and define their identity, status, and happiness through the act of buying and owning material possessions. Consumerism is closely tied to the idea that purchasing and owning products can lead to personal satisfaction, social recognition, and a sense of well-being. This ideology is often promoted by advertising, media, and societal norms that encourage individuals to continually seek out new products and experiences.


  • Mass media refers to various means of communication that are used to reach and communicate with a large audience or the general public. These forms of communication are designed to transmit information, news, entertainment, and messages to a wide and diverse group of people. Mass media includes various platforms and channels such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, websites, social media, and more. It plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, disseminating information, and influencing cultural trends.
  • Propaganda refers to the dissemination of information, ideas, or opinions that are often misleading, with the intention of influencing public perception, attitudes, or behaviours. It is commonly used to promote a specific agenda, ideology, or viewpoint by appealing to emotions, distorting facts, or presenting a one-sided perspective.


  • Collectivism is a perspective that emphasises the importance of community, collaboration, and shared responsibility. It values the idea that individuals are interconnected and that working together for the greater good can lead to stronger societies and improved outcomes for all. Collectivism promotes cooperation, solidarity, and the idea that resources and benefits should be distributed equitably to ensure the well-being of everyone.
  • Essentialism is a concept that suggests that things have inherent, unchanging qualities that define their true nature. It's the idea that every entity, whether it's an object, a concept, or even a person, possesses certain fundamental attributes that make it what it is. These essential qualities are seen as necessary and unalterable, forming the core identity of that thing.
  • Idealism is a concept that revolves around the belief that the mind or consciousness is primary and that reality, in some way, is dependent on or derived from the mind. In other words, it suggests that the ultimate nature of reality is fundamentally shaped by our thoughts, perceptions, and mental experiences. Idealism comes in different forms, but they all share the idea that the mind plays a significant role in shaping what we perceive as reality.
  • Individualism
    is a stance that elevates the autonomy and uniqueness of the individual, often at the expense of broader communal considerations. An excessive focus on individualism can lead to a disregard for the collective well-being and shared responsibilities. This approach can foster a sense of isolation and promote a "me-first" mentality that overlooks the interconnectedness of society.
    • Individualising refers to the process of attributing responsibility or fault to specific individuals for their actions, decisions, or behaviours. However, it's important to note that individualising blame should be done with an awareness of broader contexts and systemic influences. While holding individuals accountable is important, it's also crucial to consider societal, structural, and environmental factors that might have contributed to their actions.
  • Solipsism is an idea that suggests that the only thing one can truly be certain of is the existence of their own mind or consciousness. In other words, a solipsist believes that they are the only conscious being and that everything else, including the external world and other people, might be a product of their own thoughts, perceptions, or imagination. This perspective leads to a radical form of subjectivity, where the solipsist questions the objective reality of anything beyond their own consciousness.


  • The West, in a cultural and geopolitical context, generally refers to the Western world or Western civilisation. It encompasses a broad range of countries, cultures, and societies that have historically been influenced by the traditions, values, and institutions that originated in Europe and later spread to other parts of the world.
